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Biometric Health Scanner


Our Computer assisted device  can detect biomarkers in the human eye linked to the general health of an individual and indicative of dietary deficiencies it is the first of its kind, fully automated, and completely Noninvasive,  designed for health conscious individuals who want to proactively monitor their health.




Biometric Scanner

Biometric scanning is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye which represent specific areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the portion of the eye showing color, and it is very important for revealing body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person’s body according to their lifestyle.


How does the biometric scanner work?

The complex iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibres, or trabecula, respond specifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physiological reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and color variations.

The iris chart, which is the result of many years of clinical observation and intensive research by Dr. Bernard Jensen and others, represents the basic placement of body organs and tissues similar to a map. An accurate biometric analysis is possible by superimposing the chart over an iris image projection, allowing detailed observation of the valuable and reliable data recorded there.


What can a biometric scan reveal?

A complete biometric analysis will show whether a person exhibits a generally good constitution or a poor one, depending upon the density of the iris fibres.  The patterns, structures, colors and degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is inherently strong or weak. It also reveals the relative site of over-activity, irritation, injury or degeneration of the tissues and organs. Toxic accumulation levels can he observed as well as nutritional and chemical imbalances.


What will a biometric scan not reveal?

The biometric will not show or name a specific disease, but rather provides information about the body tissues which indicate tendencies toward conditions of disease, often before symptoms appear. The biometric scan will not reveal surgery performed under anesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. The biometric scan cannot locate parasites, gallstones, or germ life, but will indicate the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions which are a refuge for their development. It will not show pregnancy, as that is a normal function of the female body.


What are the benefits of a biometric scan?

The biometric scan is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs of certain deficiencies or abnormalities. The biometric scan can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical external vantage point. In effect, the scan will reveal how well your body functions.  Improper nutrition and lack of exercise undermines the body’s integrity until eventually it becomes unable to reverse damaging toxic conditions through its own natural self-healing mechanisms, becoming susceptible to ailments of a chronic nature.  Therefore, nutrition and the biometric scan are inseparable in one’s pursuit of a healthy way of life and holistic health care program. The biometric scan can reveal deficiencies and weaknesses, and therefore can be a valuable tool in offering the recipient helpful guidelines that they can use in order to attain better health by strengthening their areas of weakness. It is also very beneficial in providing the recipient with an awareness of how to prevent illness so that they can achieve an improved state of physical, mental and spiritual health.

*Disclaimer: The Evaluation Report is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Only a licensed physician can provide a true diagnosis, determine whether or not treatment is required and/or prescribe any medication for you. IF YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY OR NEED IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CALL 911 OR CONSULT A LICENSED PHYSICIAN OR AN EMERGENCY MEDICAL FACILITY IMMEDIATELY.